Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dum dee dum
Woof woof!
Jen Hilton is in the new Theory of a Deadman (bad girlfriend) video.
May I say, woof again!
Jen Hilton is in the new Theory of a Deadman (bad girlfriend) video.
May I say, woof again!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Linsday Lohan singing

Monday, August 21, 2006
Lohan stalking

No, not me. Her! Leopard print bikinni. It's all the rage, from what the girlfriend tells me. Leopard print that is - bikinni's not so much. I'd have to say - less is more. But still... woof!

Now, that side shot has to say a lot. Compared to a year ago, Lindsay Lohan is looking a lot better and not as anorexic. What makes women think thin is good when you can wear a bikinni and do that? Really...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Linsday Lohan is easy!

Or at least, should be if she subscribes to the Sex and the City philosophy as much as she has been reported to. Unless of course she's not doing Kat and more the mousy one... who married Mr I-need-Viagra. Seriously man - Viagra. It works. Even when you technically don't need it.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Kate Beckinsale can definitely work it out

Kate Beckinsale is cheap. And hot. And obviously is working on a trend of 'sidewalk workouts'. This is obviously a very detailed plan for her to stay in the public eye and make sure we all have proper standards for 'yummy mummy's'. Though I do think she should consider perhaps a touch more time in the sun. I know she's Welsh - so freckles and pale skin are the norm, but still...
And oh yeah, the obligatory Woof!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Another non-celebrity - Torrie Wilson

What's a non-celebrity? Why anyone who is a celebrity but isn't. All the B-list celebrities, the people that you see and go 'looks familiar, who's that?' and who somehow, someway manage to get paid loads of cash for being... themselves.
Sheesh. I want a job like that.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Dido - Do Not Leave Home video
Truthfully, most of her music just isn't my to my taste. Don't know why - perhaps because I've got a pair of large ones. Still, can't complain about the video here... at least a MTV video that is.